Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peace (Hebrew) Daily Painting #65

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This is a 10" x 10" canvas painted with arylics and pouring medium. The background effect was created by using at least 10 layers of pouring medium and soft bodied acrylics, spread around with pallet knives as if it were plaster.

On top of the background is the word "Peace" in Hebrew. My friend Noora from Oman inspired this painting. This will end up being a series... peace paintings in Arabic, Japanese, Sanskrit will follow.

As I painted this in my live blogtv show, it created a lot of talk. Who knew a word such as "peace" could bring up so much hostility? ;) not everyone felt that way, but I did chuckle inside just how much many of us demand peace, but never in a million years realize the only way to achieve world peace is to start with yourself. Mother Teresa was once quoted saying, "You want world peace? Go home and love your family." I don't think it gets any better than that.

1 comment:

Leslie Saeta said...

Glad to have found your blog. Your work is lovely! I love your color selection! I love your Koi fish painting!