Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cherry Pie Daily Painting #45 by Gayle Etcheverry

Todays painting (actually created yesterday, just didn’t get it uploaded in time) is of a slice of cherry pie with ice cream on top and a fork on its side (just waiting for you to take a bite!). For some reason I just want a sweet after looking at this for a while. ;) It is on a 6”x 8” canvas and is painted in oils. As you can see there is a lot of texture to this painting so it will definitely take a few weeks to dry.

Todays painting can be found on Ebay if you just click here

I will be creating another daily painting today, but tomorrow I am taking the day to hang with my husband and some friends. We will be enjoying lots of delicious food, wine and some Oscar Screeners (GREAT benefit if you are in the Art Directors Guild).

Since today is Christmas Eve I would like to take the time to tell you all how grateful I am for so many things in my life - all my friends and family, our dog Lucy, my health, my art, my life. Thank you for making my life filled with such joy and love.

Merry Christmas everyone!

God Bless Humanity~


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