Friday, January 9, 2009

Eagle Daily Painting #54 by Gayle Etcheverry

This is a painting of a Bald Eagle but with my color spin on it. It is an oil painting on an 8”x10” canvas. One note, the only black paint I used was in his pupil. The rest is all in blues, purples, and browns. And in the white of his feathers you’ll see lots of pinks, purples, yellows, oranges and other pastel like colors. Even his eye has crazy color. I wanted to make him majestic and vibrant.

You can watch the step by step video on youtube at this link

I decided to paint this beautiful bird after a morning meditation. The image just came to me in a flash. So I decided for old times sake to get my Medicine Card Deck out to see what “eagle” means in the Native American world. I instantly became inspired to paint the eagle.

The “American Eagle” is now a completely different image and idea than it originally was, and my opinion it is a bit “Hollywood” ish for my taste. I really thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share a different perspective on how powerful the eagle really is.

It was funny, as I was painting this in my LIVE BlogTV show, people made all kids of comments on the “American Eagle” - some jokes, some serious, some irritated. This just proved to me that it is time the Native American meaning should be brought to the table on this one ;) (bare with me this is long... )

According to “Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson” Eagle Medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells.

The feathers of Eagle are considered to be the most sacred of healing tools. Within the belief systems of Native American tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace achieved through hard work, understanding, and a completion of the tests of initiation which result in the taking of one’s personal power. It is only through the trial of experiencing the lows in life as well as the highs, and through the trial of trusting one’s connection to the Great Spirit that the right to use the essence of Eagle medicine is earned.

Eagle is reminding you to take heart and gather your courage, for the universe is presenting you with an opportunity to soar above the mundane levels of your life. The power of recognizing this opportunity may come in the form of a spiritual test. In being astute, you may recognize the places within your soul, personality, emotions, or psyche that need bolstering or refinement. By looking at the over all tapestry, Eagle teaches you to broaden your sense of self beyond the horizon of what is presently visible.

I think there is much to learn from “Eagle Medicine” especially how times are hard for so many of us right now (including myself). There is a much greater lesson to learn here. My friend Laurie Santos calls it a blesson - a lesson and a blessing at the same time.

I hope you enjoyed reading about this. Definitely pick up these cards they are a lot of fun to do you Animal Totem.

Have a wonderful day


Gayle Etcheverry

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